Jee, your Ayurveda Consultant
Coaching / personal development
Individuals - companies - groups
"Vous devez trouver à l'intérieur de vous-même l'endroit où rien n'est impossible."
Deepak Chopra
My wish
In my therapeutic approach, I want to help you become aware of your unique physiological personality and your unshakable union with the 5 elements and their universal qualities. I would like to open some doors of consciousness for you and commit to making some changes in your daily life. These changes are of course related to your Ayurvedic constitution and will allow you to find the energy you need in your daily life. The energy, the joy, the lightness, the conscience, the lucidity, the belief, are there, some pillars of your recovered well-being.
Namaste beautiful souls,
During a rich life of travels, meetings, emotions, hardness and sweetness, I had the chance, on my way, to cross this extraordinary science, philosophy that is Ayurveda.
India is since my adolescence my country of heart. Mahārāshtra among others, witnessed my teenage years, then Pakistan witnessed my student life. I took ethnology classes and specialized in India again. I made a thousand and one meetings in India, including that of master Yogi Ayengar in 1985.
My life stages will take me to various lands in Asia, Pakistan, Vietnam, Cambodia and India again and again.
I am now trained and graduated in Ayurvedic medicine, to be able to support, advise, awaken, and come to the aid of those who request it, through what is for me, the very essence of human science, Ayurveda.
As I told you earlier, Ayurveda has established itself in my life as an obvious response to well-being, mental and physical health and to one's own life experiences, whether in south america, Europe, or on the lands of the Indian subcontinent.
I will make you rediscover your intimate connection with the five elements. I will offer you a very personalized Ayurvedic advices and cares that will lead you to reclaim your body and mind. You will be able to understand them better, get to know yourself better, and manage your daily life, your trials facing your environment, facing the seasons ...