So what am I? Vata, Pitta or Kapha?

This questionnaire will gather information about your child's physical, mental and habitual state, in order to determine his or her main Dosha today.
Please note that in Ayurveda, we don't determine your child's Dosha constitution during childhood, as we have to wait until the body has fully developed. These are merely "doshic tendencies". But they already give us some good leads!
1. Click on "Go!".
2. Choose the option that seems most obvious to you in relation to your child,
but don't overthink it - your or his first impression will often be the right one.
3. All that's left for you to do is click on the "See your Dosha" button to discover its profile and understand a little more about who it is!
4. He wants to start Ayurveda? Would you like to have your child's roadmap (what's good, what's not so good)? Then get in touch with our therapists, doctors and consultants, who will guide you.